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The last day of 2020 is here. There are so many words I have to describe this year that could fill up pages upon pages.

Where to begin is the first thought I have and to be honest 2020 had many beginnings and endings for me personally. It felt as if every day brought new challenges and with them came new positives and negatives, but through it all, I believe that I have and we all have learned a lot.

As the whole world closed in front of our eyes rather quickly in the beginning of 2020, fear and uncertainty spread around us in these new unprecedented times. As for me, I believe that the silver lining of 2020 has been a stronger level of closeness, understanding and kindness brought about by quarantine and other events of 2020. Many families and friends, including mine, were brought closer together. Although we are apart and using technology for get togethers, celebrations, and other activities, we are still making each other a priority more than ever before.

I am forever grateful for all of the front line workers who have worked selflessly and tirelessly during this pandemic. I am grateful for the endless amounts of support and love from my family, friends, sisters, and loved ones, and especially my professors and everyone at High Point University,

The biggest takeaway from this past year is to never take anyone or anything for granted. Time is precious. Always appreciate and be kind to everyone each and every day. The ones who care about you will always be by your side, watching you grow, and giving you love.

2020 has not only taught me to appreciate the simple things and appreciate the positives in everything, but to be open to second chances. Time is precious.

We can achieve our dreams by being ourselves and by being ourselves we can change the world.


To everyone who is reading my blog post today, I believe that there will be new beginnings and new chances in the future.

I believe every resolution is an opportunity to become an even better person.

A few of my resolutions for 2021 include: giving back more to others, continuing to exercise and eat healthy, opening myself up to new friendships and love, and relaxing more and enjoying each day to the fullest.

Thank you 2020 for helping me learn from my past mistakes, but most importantly thank you for opening all of our eyes and bringing us closer together.

2021 I am ready for you.

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