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The first two weeks back at HPU have been a wild ride already! I am absolutely loving my communications classes and I am learning a new language, Italian. This year as a Junior, I have been able to adapt better with everything on campus, ranging from time management to friends to getting involved with clubs and staying on top of things. It is crazy how time is flying by so quickly. I am trying to make the most of every moment!

Beginning my third week of classes, I have already learned so much. HPU Professors and Staff provides a great amount of support and guidance. I especially love the small class sizes! I am able to really get to know my Professors.

I usually do my homework either at my desk in my room or in the communications building library. It is gorgeous red room and quite a perfect place to do homework!

The start of recruitment has begun! We finished the first two rounds this past weekend. As a recruiter for Alpha Chi Omega, it has been an amazing experience. I have gained a deeper connection with my sisters, as well as potential new members. I am so grateful to be able to feel comfortable, honest, and open with such a great group of women. I am absolutely loving this experience so far and I am looking forward to what the future holds for our chapter this weekend and beyond!

Another amazing renovation that has changed me for the better is the new cafe! This semester, the cafe has been busier than it ever has been because of the new HPU renovations. Thank you Dr. Qubein! The new food station tailored for people with food allergies and intolerances allows you to order from a touch screen pad and prints your receipt. If you are in a rush, no worries there are servings of different food choices depending on the day.

If you have any food intolerances or allergies, this is the place for you! I love it because I have a very high intolerance to gluten, lactose, onions, and peanut butter. I was always having some trouble finding things to eat that will allow me to digest my food properly. I am able to eat orange chicken, pasta, burgers, fries, and chicken tenders.

Everything is clean and kept separate as to prevent any contamination of allergens. I am so happy to be able to dine here as this is one of the many options on campus!

Another fun activity I have started to do during my free time is go to the driving range. There are so many different places to go to around the area! I have been going to the Grandover Resort for the past few weeks and I am absolutely loving it! Many of my friends also go to Oak Hollow, Jamestown, and Blair. I love the outdoors and what better way to spend a morning than to hit a bucket of balls or play a round of golf. Although I was not home to watch the BMW Championship in person, I got to watch Cantlay win the FedEx Cup on T.V. So impressed with his back to back wins and I am excited to see what he has in store for the future!

I am so excited to see what this year has in store! I am preparing a video which will cover all of the amazing things that HPU has to offer and why you should visit!

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