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  • Writer's picturecapturinglifedaily


It has been an incredible journey as my second year of college came to a close just about a week ago. Much progress has been made throughout the world since the start of the pandemic this time last year. We are seeing a light at the end of the tunnel with COVID-19, as everyone is getting vaccinated.

The new year of 2021 has been filled with many new opportunities, challenges, and life answers I have been looking for over the past years. Back in January, I was excited to go back to school and was looking forward to a new semester with in-person classes, but this semester was a whole lot different than I had expected in a different kind of way.

Beginning after New Year's Day in January, I had to unexpectedly take a week off due to emergency wisdom teeth surgery. In bed unable to go back to school, meet my professors, or see my friends was discouraging at first, however, my professors were so amazing and accommodating throughout the week I was home.

Not knowing what was ahead of me for the semester was worrisome, but I was so excited to take on the months lying ahead. Although I had a late start, getting back onto campus, I was settled in in no time.

Back on campus, everyone was still wearing masks, socially distancing and virtual office hours and meetings were still the norm. Many students still ordered food to-go and brought meals back to their rooms to be less exposed to others or do their homework.

I believe that sophomore year had its challenges, but it was truly an eye-opening experience to be a student on campus throughout the entire school year during a pandemic. I am so grateful for the faculty and staff at High Point University for giving us the opportunity for in-person classes the entire academic year!

All of my classes in the Fall and the Spring were absolutely amazing and I feel so far it has been one of my best years academically in all my years of education. Not only because of my grades and incredible classes and professors, but because I am finally getting into a real groove on how to be successful in a college classroom. I learned new study habits that really worked and time management tools. Most importantly, I have really discovered my true passions. I practically lived in the Communications building and loved every minute, as I learned how to conduct myself in front of and behind the camera working on productions and film interviews. I gained knowledge, developed great friendships, met some amazing professors, and become more comfortable with who I want to be.

Unfortunately, the last week of school, I was put into quarantine due to contact tracing. I was stuck inside of my room for a week. Luckily, I tested negative. A funny thing happened though while quarantined in my room, those days inside gave me a new spark and energized me. Maybe sometimes just stopping and having uninterrupted time to think really does a mind and body good! I have realized that everything happens for a reason.

This past year was so memorable as it gave me guidance, passion, hope, and love. A few takeaways from my sophomore year:

• Always believe in yourself.

• Whoever you surround yourself with is who you become.

• You are your own brand.

• Master the opportunity and take the risk.

• Be aware of your surroundings and never look back.

• Create good habits.

• Become more open-minded to opportunities you might find challenging.

• Know that God loves you, sees you, and is always there.

• Know that times do get tough, but never give up because opportunities are just around the corner.

• Love yourself, but most importantly love those around you.

• Make every moment count like its your last. Because some day you will look back and say, "How did that time fly by so quickly," as I am expressing those feelings to myself at this very moment.

• Never give up.

Thank you sophomore year for teaching me the ways of life and for giving me true friendships, opportunities, confidence, worship, and pride. I can't wait for the next two years at HPU and the opportunities that lie ahead.

But for now.....Summer, here I come!

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