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  • Writer's picturecapturinglifedaily


I watch shows where people give each other roses in hopes of finding the perfect person. There are shows where people travel around the world to get engaged in 90 days. There are shows where people get married at first sight. Now in a popular series, Love is Blind, people decide if they want to meet the other person just by talking to them, but they never actually see them. The one thing that everyone seems to have in common is that they are looking for true and long-lasting love.

This morning, I was searching through my jewelry box for an earring. I came across this perfect round pebble. I have no idea where it came from or why it was in my jewelry box. I must have found it on one of my past walks on the beach.

For those of you who know me well, you know my favorite animal is a penguin. As I sat holding the pebble I thought about the story of the penguin and the pebble. The male penguin walks day and night, searching everywhere to find the perfect pebble for his mate. The pebble is then placed at the feet of the female penguin. The value of that pebble is priceless because if the female penguin accepts, they are together forever. They work together and support each other through the harshest of winters. Although they may be separated for months and miles looking for food, they eventually return to each other, and are able to find each other among thousands just by the specific sound of their partner.

The pebble for the penguin is a symbol of commitment, just like a ring is a symbol of marriage for us. Many of us search for the perfect mate and that special connection, just like the penguin.

Relationships are important because people can bring each other love, comfort, protection, and hope for the future generations to come. A partner can bring a sense of fulfillment to one's life. Many people have had relationships before, and some are just getting started. Finding the right person doesn't just involve the connection and feeling of love, but it means sharing similarities and differences and communication between two people. Two people should always be honest and loyal to each other's beliefs.

Lack of communication or miscommunication is where most relationships fail. We all communicate today through some type of social media. In my opinion, sending a text message or dm isn't the same as face-to-face communication. You aren't able to see the real emotions when you're having a conversation with that person and so much can be misinterpreted via texting.

Communication is one of the most important aspects in a relationship because it is what makes two people engage and maintain healthy feelings of attraction and confidence with each other. Effective communication between two people leads to growth, and growth in both individuals and relationships lead to the great long-lasting relationships.

In my past, I think I was a hopeless romantic. Now I am definitely a hopeful romantic. There's a big difference between the two, and neither is wrong.

To me, love is a realistic process of growing together, sharing good times and bad times and sharing life's little moments. Love is about real honesty and forgiveness. Love is about communication and trust, and being optimistic, positive and hopeful.

Looking at this pebble, I know why I think penguins are such cool birds! Through the harshest conditions of Antarctica, love conquers all with strong communication, never-ending trust, long-lasting support, positivity and hope.

Does love conquer all in the movies? Here are some of my favorites listed below. You'll need a tissue box for some. Others will give you a good laugh!

• The Notebook

• Love Story

• The Way We Were

• Endless Love

• The Bridges Of Madison County

• Sweet Home Alabama

• Dear John

• The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

• Along Came Polly

• Breakfast at Tiffany's

• When Harry Met Sally

• La La Land

• Titanic

• 16 candles

• My Best Friend's Wedding

• Serendipity

• Pretty Woman

• Picture Perfect

• The Holiday

• Something Borrowed

• Beauty and the Beast

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