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  • Writer's picturecapturinglifedaily


Today was another sunny, beautiful day!! I decided to do my online classwork outside.

It has been very hot in Maryland, so after my classwork, I have been going to the pool more often and it feels great!

Honestly, every day seems kind of the same recently with classes. I like it though because my days are pretty structured like they used to be when I was younger: eat, sleep, swim, repeat.

A structured schedule is a perfect way to stay organized for your day because you know what is coming. Sometimes things pop up and you have to learn how to balance and focus on what is important and what is not too important.

I have been finding my balance this summer with online classes, family, exercise, and learning how to cook. It has been fun actually finding different ways to balance my day.

I saw this quote today that made me think of what I have written about above, “You can do anything, but not everything.” In life, I have found that I can’t do everything, but choosing things I am passionate about and finding my happy medium, is the key to living life to the fullest for me.

For the past few years I often struggled with time management and saying no at times and that increased my anxiety, as I have written about before. What I have found is that structuring my day ahead of time and making goal lists has really helped me manage my time better. I am happier and feel a better sense of calm.

A few take aways from me to you are to structure your days if you suffer from anxiety and do things that you are really passionate about.

Hope everyone had a great day!

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