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  • Writer's picturecapturinglifedaily


This week is #sharkweek. So much of our perception of marine life has been tainted by box office hits like Jaws. Many fear sharks, but sharks are so important for our ecosystem and the health of our oceans. 100 million sharks are killed every year just for their fins, which is so cruel.

I follow photographer, Clark Little on Instagram because I absolutely love his shore break photography. Through his instagram, I discovered the most amazing marine conservationists, Ocean Ramsey and Juan Oliphant. They work tirelessly to educate the public about sharks and how they live in their habitat.

They have travelled the world finding ways to pass legislation against shark fin usage, while capturing incredible videos and photos of the beauty and majestic qualities of sharks.

Together with Director Keoni Tetawa Bowthorpe, Ocean Ramsey, Juan Oliphant, Clark Little, and Mike Coots, created an award-winning documentary film entitled Saving Jaws. I highly recommend watching this documentary because it is so eye-opening! Yes, we should see sharks as predators, but not fear them. We need to protect them and understand how important they are for our planet.

Shark week should be a week where we educate ourselves about sharks and their importance in our oceans and how we should protect them. It shouldn't be a week where we fear them, but fear a world without them.

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