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  • Writer's picturecapturinglifedaily


As a Communications major, I was recently intrigued by the documentary on Netflix entitled Miss Representation. It got me thinking about how women are portrayed in media and how it can affect the way a girl growing up can view herself.

Girls grow up playing with Barbies and watching movies of distressed princesses in search of the perfect prince that will save them. Makeup ads promising to make a woman beautiful flood television, magazines, and social media.

The ways women are portrayed in advertising and media affect the ways girls grow up to view themselves. Thankfully, the beliefs of thousands of strong, independent, and fearless women have set out to inspire future generations to reach for the stars.

Women have become astronauts, run for the Office of Vice President and President of the United States, held the positions of Chief Justice, Secretary of State and Speaker of the House, and become CEOs of major corporations and networks. Over the past hundred years, women have pushed the boundaries and broken through the glass ceiling.

Our nation is celebrating the 100th Anniversary of women earning the right to vote this year, a tremendous stride in the fight for women’s rights and independence. More change is still needed, but there have been positive changes for women in advertising and media.

I especially love the campaigns Fearless Girl by McCann New York for State Street Global Advisors and #fightlikeagirl by Leo Burnett for P&G's Always. These campaigns empower girls to be proud of who they are and what they can do. They encourage girls to shoot for the stars!

Confidence, self-assuredness, grit, and the ability to persevere and overcome any obstacle can help you to accomplish anything you once thought impossible.

I believe you can be anything and do anything you set out to do if you believe it in your heart. Never give up! BE FEARLESS!

Above: Fearless Girl by McCann New York for State Street Global Advisors

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