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  • Writer's picturecapturinglifedaily


As I was shopping in Target yesterday, I found this Nantucket sign in a bin. I bought it to hang in my dorm room. It reminded me of being in Nantucket two summer's ago with my family for my Aunt's wedding. It was an awesome weekend with many happy memories. The wedding was beautiful, just like her dress! It was held overlooking the water at the White Elephant Hotel.

It has been quite lonely not seeing family over the past months. I have missed her a lot, but I will finally be able to see her tomorrow!

During this time of quarantine, I have thought about the importance of family and loved ones. Always appreciate who you have in your life because you never know what can happen from day to day.

I saw this great quote the other day: "Families are like branches on a tree. We grow in different directions, yet our roots remains one." We still create many memories, traditions, and experiences with our families and loved ones, which lead to personal growth, even from a distance.

The next time you are lonely or need someone to talk to, reach out to someone in your family or a loved one. Family will always love you and protect you. Personally, family always comes first to me in every situation and decision I make.

Love your family and love one another.

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