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  • Writer's picturecapturinglifedaily


My Dad is a huge baseball fan. A born and bred New Yorker, he was raised a Yankees fan. However, over the years after Don Mattingly and Derek Jeter retired, the old stadium was torn down, and we moved out of New York City, he began to go to games for our home team...the Orioles. Every Father's Day, it has been a tradition in our family to go to an Orioles game.

This year, sadly, baseball is not being played, so we weren't able to go. I miss watching live sports. I miss baseball games and everything that goes with going to a game..eating the peanuts, hot dogs, and singing "Take me out to the ball game" at the 7th inning stretch in the blazing hot sun!

We love sports in our family. As a Sport Communications major, I thank my dad for teaching me so much of what I know about sports, especially baseball. Even though we weren't able to go to a game today, we had hamburgers on the grill and played catch in the backyard.

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