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I haven’t been out with friends in so long because of quarantine. Yesterday, I took time during lunch to have a picnic with one of my closest friends that I haven’t seen in forever. Closest not because I get to see or talk to them often, but because they know me better than anyone. They were there for me for a time when I was a lot younger and went through some tough times. It was really awesome catching up and just being outside of my house. We had fun talking about a lot of things, from past experiences to forgiveness.

I saw that today is #forgivenessday so I decided to explore the act of forgiveness more, especially since I feel there needs to be more of it, as well as more love and less hate in the world right now. Since starting my blog, each day it has opened my eyes to new discoveries.

I was scrolling through the hashtags on forgiveness and came across this series called Tuesdays with Morrie. The cover of the book looked really familiar. I went over to our bookcase and searched and behold there the book was! My mom had evidently bought it many years ago. I started reading. As it turns out, internationally renowned author, screenwriter, journalist and broadcaster Mitch Albom began as a sports journalist and broadcaster. Being a Sports Communication major, now I was really intrigued.

Albom’s book Tuesdays with Morrie was based on a real life memoir of regular Tuesday visits Mitch Albom had with his former Brandeis University professor Morrie Schwartz , who was dying of ALS. During his visits, Morrie gave him valuable lessons about love and life. His professor actually called it his “final thesis.” Albom at the time was questioning things about his career and didn’t have a clear direction in what he wanted out of life. He was lost. His meetings with Morrie changed his life forever for the better.

The book is so good! I am still in the middle of reading it, but it really got me thinking.There are so so many important points in the book. Morrie talks about forgiveness and not holding onto anger, and love. Without love, there is no forgiveness. By holding onto anger, we just harm ourselves. We shouldn’t live with regrets, instead we should just make peace. Everyone makes mistakes because we are human, but forgiveness takes something special, which starts with being able to love.

Pride sometimes gets in the way of things your gut tells you to do. I’m guilty of it. Maybe today for #forgivenessday reach out to someone you haven’t spoken to in awhile just to say hi or start to make amends with a friend or relative. Never get caught up in regrets.

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