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  • Writer's picturecapturinglifedaily


First, it was toilet paper during the pandemic. Now, people are hoarding gas. The ransomware attack on The Colonial Pipeline has officially hit the whole east coast leaving gas stations empty and people unable to fill up their tanks. Signs on the gas pumps up and down my local road display, "no gas." I finally found a gas station that had gas and paid the premium level price because that is all they had.

Honestly, the entire situation is disturbing. If individuals cannot get gas, we cannot get to work. Businesses will be unable to transport goods. So, the prices of everything will go up. We already have shortages of things. Chick Fil-A has a sauce shortage. A shortage of chlorine is one I heard recently, just in time for pool season. A shortage on buffalo wings? Well, at least it isn't football season! The prices of gas are rising. I heard it is up to $6.99 in Virginia. I guess I was lucky paying $3.48 per gallon. This issue can really get out of control quickly. I pray it gets resolved by the end of the week.

We can't seem to catch a break. Our country in the matter of 1 1/2 years has witnessed an unprecedented pandemic, losses of loved ones, unemployment, natural disasters, and now a shortage of gasoline, and oh wait, I can't forget that the cicadas are coming now too!

I guess the best thing to do right now is to remain our car sitting in line at the pump snacking on nuggets without sauce surrounded by cicadas. Bring it on!

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