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  • Writer's picturecapturinglifedaily


Even in the toughest times, there can be a silver lining. Look for something positive in each day, even though some days may be harder than others.

Sometimes your health may affect your positivity, but look for a bright side to a situation and you'll find it again.

Every day for about a year I felt blah. Best way to describe it. I couldn't figure out why. I was exhausted. I felt puffy. My stomach ached and my skin was always breaking out.

It got worse first semester of college. It was difficult beginning college feeling less than 100%, especially when there are already so many other stressors being away from home for the first time. At first, I figured it was just typical college stress and adjusting to a new schedule. I was determined though to finally figure out what was wrong. It was a long journey, but finally it was determined that I have a high gluten intolerance. So, every meal I had been eating things that made me sick.

The bread and cookie loving, pasta and pizza worshipping person that I am, I was devastated. What was I going to eat when everything I loved and ate daily was making me sick?

I saw a dietitian and began exploring gluten-free options. There are so many! Grocery stores have many gluten-free options, as do many restaurants! You can even order a gluten-free Dominos pizza!

Going gluten-free doesn't have to be a bad thing. Actually going gluten-free is great and I've never felt better! My mind and skin are clearer and my stomach feels so much better. As a result of going gluten-free, I also eat more vegetables than ever before.

Instead of regular crust pizza, I now make pizza with cauliflower crust. Instead of regular grain pasta, I now eat pasta made from rice flour or chickpeas. Honestly, they are delicious! There are gluten-free cookie recipes too! The options for me now are endless!

Always trust your body if your not feeling well. You know yourself better than anyone. Most of all think positive and believe things will get better. There will be a light at the end of any tunnel! In my case, it's a delicious bowl of chickpea pasta with veggies for lunch!

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