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  • Writer's picturecapturinglifedaily


My state is in Stage 2 opening up, but around where I live there still seems to be a lot that isn’t open. I haven’t been able to see my friends for quite awhile and I admit, it’s hard.

I am very excited though about the news that my university will be opening up and we will be going back in August! Although things may look different because of social distancing, I can’t wait! I love my second home!

I’ve been sitting outside doing my homework for my online class. Some days have been cloudy and some sunny, but the one consistent thing each day has been a red cardinal sighting.

At first, the bird would just fly by. In the past few days, however, the cardinal flies over and perches himself on the chair across from me and looks at me. He sits there for a good period of time too. It’s kind of odd.

At first I thought to myself:

Am I going so crazy after not seeing my friends that I am going to start talking to this bird?

Or, maybe he feels sorry for me because he sees I need help with this linear equation problem?

Then, I remembered that my mom once told me after my grandfather passed away that a cardinal sighting is a positive thing, a sign of luck, like an angel.

A cardinal is a spiritual sign from Heaven that a loved one is watching over you and that you are not alone.

A few moments later, no joke, an equation I had been trying to figure out for the past half hour finally made sense. Coincidence? Maybe. Or, maybe not.

I went for a run after and felt very much at peace. When I got back, the cardinal was still sitting in my backyard like he was waiting for me.

I don’t know why, but it’s a nice feeling to know he’s there.

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