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Shark Week is here and it is a great time to learn about the most misunderstood animal on our planet. Did you know that sharks can't swim backwards?

This week is all about sharks. Tune into Discovery Channel for 45 hours of shark-related shows! Many people fear sharks because of blockbuster movie productions like Caged in Fear and Jaws. Unfortunately, the public has come to fear these fish who truly want to do no harm. While sharks can look intimidating and scary, they help to maintain the health of our coral reefs and seagrass meadow habitats in our oceans, as well as maintain the structure of the aquatic food chain.

By ridding our oceans of sharks and using them for fishing purposes and food, we lose and remove the benefits being provided by sharks for our coral reefs and seagrass meadow habitats. These habitats include turtles, fish, octopus’s, and squids. Nearly 100 million sharks are killed every year for their fins. This number is too big considering the fact that these animals are harmless. We lose many of our oceans animals because they become sick, weak, and unhealthy. Recently, the Senate passed a bill eliminating shark fin sales, which is positive move in the right direction.

Did you know that sharks store a huge amount of carbon in their bodies? A reduction in sharks in the ocean affects the ocean's ability to store carbon and therefore, this eventually leads to global warming!

Many people fear sharks. However, sharks don't go out of their way to harm people and this is why they are misunderstood. They help to keep our ecosystem healthy and clean. Shark Week is a week to educate the public more about why these animals are so important for our oceans around the globe.

Help make a difference and see the beauty in sharks!!!

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