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  • Writer's picturecapturinglifedaily


Just got back from a run. It’s 90 degrees. I overheated and experienced some pain in my legs. It happens, especially in extreme heat.

I remind myself of the quote: The only bad workout is the one that didn’t happen. As long as I at least try to give it my all, it is better than nothing.

Not every run, swim or workout will be great. It can be like a pendulum. Some days I feel great and can run 8 miles. Other days I might feel exhausted and not up to speed for whatever reason. That is the nature of running or any form of exercise I think. Of course it would be great if every workout was awesome!

I overcame some injuries in high school and lost parts of my seasons. Overcoming those obstacles helped me to realize when to push through pain in my legs and when to listen to my body and take a rest day.

It is going to be pretty hot here this week. Balance is key. Thinking positive is key. Proper hydration will be even more important! Tomorrow is another day and another run!

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