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  • Writer's picturecapturinglifedaily


During this week in July for four years, I went with my high school cross country team to camp in the mountains of North Carolina. They were some great times and some of my best memories. Simple times.

This is one of my favorite photos. When this picture was taken two years ago, I couldn't even imagine something like a pandemic ever happening.

When I watched the ball drop on New Year's Eve, I never imagined 2020 would be a year like this one with so much loss of life.

I remember the simple times in which we would all run together, have big meets, go to restaurants and gyms, or get together with groups of friends with not a care or fear in the world. I remember exploring the beauty of nature as we ran in groups racing to the top of the mountain. I remember going to the beach in the Hamptons in the beginning of August. My state is now on the travel ban list, so we can't go this year. I miss it all. I do.

It is so crazy how much the world changed since those summers. I try to think positive every day and pray a lot. Some days are easier than others.

It is ok to be frustrated. It is ok to be sad sometimes. I am looking forward and I am hopeful for some normalcy again, whatever or whenever that may be.

At this point, I continue to just live day by day with positivity and hope, no matter how difficult it may be at times.

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