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  • Writer's picturecapturinglifedaily


Last evening, I gathered with family to roast marshmallows and make s'mores. I looked down at the tray and I had to restrain myself from eating everything on it! I thought about the marshmallow experiment I learned about in college, in which a person is offered one marshmallow to eat on the spot, but promised two marshmallows later if they waited.

The experiment was meant to show the psychology behind delayed gratification. By delaying gratification, it shows grit and leads to bigger successes. Essentially, if you resist temptation of an immediate reward, a bigger reward will come your way.

I think of things now in these uncertain times, and how focusing on the present when things are so uncertain is more important. It is so important to enjoy every moment and not take anything for granted. It is important to look out for each other.

This weekend is Memorial Day weekend. It is a time of remembrance and honor of those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country to protect our freedoms that we have every day. My grandfather was in the United States Air Force. I never knew him, but I was named after him and have his eyes I've been told.

In these unprecedented times, this weekend is feeling different for everyone, no matter where you live. Some areas are opening up, some not quite yet. Some beaches are open, some are not. Some pools are open, some are not. Many still remain in quarantine.

The one common thread during this time is the coming together and support of family, friends, and communities, even from afar.

Getting back to the significance of the marshmallow experiment. Doing our part now when things open up, like continuing to socially distance in busy places or avoiding them altogether and resisting the temptation to not wear a mask, will lead to saving many lives later. Be responsible. That will lead to future success for everyone!

Let's thank every person who have selflessly sacrificed their lives to work on the front lines in this fight against COVID-19.

Let's take a moment to remember all those we have lost.

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