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  • Writer's picturecapturinglifedaily


Today, I decided to change things up a bit. I went up to my old high school track to run. It brought back a lot of memories. I spent four years running on that track.

I began to think of the parallels between life and racing on a track.

Life is very much like running on a track. You may feel like you are just running in circles and not getting anywhere. You may encounter obstacles you aren’t expecting along the way. You may get spiked by another runner. You may not feel well leading to a bad race one day and feel strong and win another. You may get discouraged if someone passes you. You may feel tired and want to stop.

However, if that little thing stops you from wanting to win that race or accomplish your goal, watch out because life is full of obstacles. Life can be as fun and challenging as you make it. It is the things that drive you and challenge you that will lead you to success.

My dad always said to never look back during a race. This was because if you looked back you loose that extra confidence and time in a race. This is like life, never look back on mistakes because you can’t change what is already done, but you can always do things to improve every day. Never have any regrets.

Rather, look forward to the finish line in each day and always finish each day strong. Remember to smile, stay relaxed and have fun!

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