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“Shoot for the moon and if you miss, you will still be among the stars.”

— Les Brown

This quote hangs in my room. I noticed it on my bulletin board today when I was cleaning up my desk. Have you ever looked up at the sky and searched for the stars? I do. There is nothing like a clear night when millions of stars blanket the sky.

I have always found this quote to be inspiring. Essentially, no matter how hard you might try at something, you might not get what you hoped for and that is ok. Just by trying, you are farther than you would be if you hadn’t. I find this can be true in many aspects of your life whether it be school, work, relationships, health & wellness, and sports.

Always be grateful for any progress you make in your life. As long as we are improving just a small amount every day, that is what matters. Most importantly, be thankful for those who help us grow and provide support in everything we do in our quest to reach the moon.

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