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  • Writer's picturecapturinglifedaily


"So I close my eyes to old ends and open my heart to new beginnings."

I can't believe that the new year is this Friday. It is crazy to see that 2020 is coming to an end very soon.

I found this quote today to reflect on the year of 2020. I believe that new beginnings are coming. Personally, the year 2020 overall had its ups and downs mentally and physically, but I am excited to start the year with new resolutions and new beginnings.

Putting the past aside is not all of what I hope for for the new year. I believe that the past has changed who I have become. I have learned so much from my mistakes and that will make me stronger for the future. From mentality going into situations, to my physical health, and friendships, the most important thing I have learned is to be myself. Being yourself means embracing who you are. I have learned to have confidence in myself and to never give up on things I am truly passionate about.

2020 for all of us has been quite a roller coaster. Not being able to see relatives, no vacations, small businesses closing, and many families suffering personal losses have been the biggest upsets of 2020. I am praying that 2021 will be a start to new beginnings. We should all keep our heads up and smile more. I am seeing a bright future for all of us. We will all make it through.

2021 I am ready for you. See you Friday!

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