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  • Writer's picturecapturinglifedaily


Yesterday, I decided to take a day away from social media. Sometimes it helps to just take a break and think. That's what I did.

I wanted to get back on today because last year on this day I lost my best friend, Sandy.

Sandy, my dog, was my true companion, supporter, and friend for fourteen years. I got him when I was four-years-old. I named him Sandy after the dog in Annie, my favorite movie when I was a little girl.

Losing a pet is never easy. I was completely heartbroken. He began to get sick around my graduation, but hung on as long as he could. He slept in my room every night. He was such a strong, courageous dog. Sandy was such a big part of my life. Growing up through all of my ups and downs he was always there to comfort me. I miss giving him the biggest of hugs.

We planted a garden for him and the most beautiful flowers are now in bloom. My memories of him will last with me forever, but I know he is in a better place now, pain-free and peaceful. I like to think about him running around the meadows over the Rainbow Bridge.

I love you always, Sandy.

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