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  • Writer's picturecapturinglifedaily


Today was another gorgeous day! I organized my room and went for a run.

I was following the Orioles game against the Red Sox. The Orioles won today, although their Opening Day game wasn't too hot. It's early in the season, so we will see what happens.

What is so different about baseball coming back? There are no fans in the stands. The energy level is different. There is no smell of popcorn, peanuts all over the ground, or hearing the screaming fans in the stands.

However, there is spirit!!

Players wore Black Lives Matter shirts and signage was in the bleachers to acknowledge the social justice movement.

The Red Sox team brought an idea to the fans called, "The Monster Home-Run Challenge." Because fans aren't allowed in the stands, fans can purchase cut-outs for $500 to the Red Sox Foundation, which are placed in the stands of the Green Monster. The money goes towards COVID relief. If the cut-out is hit by a home-run ball, the fan gets an autographed ball by the player who hit the home-run.

Things are different since COVID, but navigating around these times can lead to great things, as seen over the past days in baseball!

I am so happy sports are back!

Let's go O's!!! (I'm from Maryland, what do you expect!)

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