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  • Writer's picturecapturinglifedaily


I was driving through my neighborhood today and took a picture of a sign that said, “You are not alone.”

Since 1949, May has been the month to raise awareness of Mental Health all across the United States. We should always remember to be kind to others because we never know what they may be going through in their lives.

I personally struggle with anxiety. I have for years. Before conversations, speeches, or meeting people, I have often lost sight of what to say and my nerves have gone into overdrive. Sometimes, I have even sweated through my clothes from nerves. Growing up people used to say I mumble. I know now that the mumbling was due to my anxiety and lack of confidence in myself. In the past, I lost sight of goals because of my anxiety and fear of failure. My anxiety has caused restless days and nights, knocked my confidence, and interfered with the way I handled past situations.

I admit that it is difficult to discuss and admit my personal struggles. We live in a world where often "perfection" is what is shown on social media. No one is perfect though. Everyone has struggles and obstacles at some point their life.

I am so grateful for the tremendous support from my family and friends. Most importantly though, finally believing and having the confidence in myself, has helped me to overcome a lot of my anxiety.

Everyone is different. We all have different talents. We all struggle from something in our lives, and that is what makes everyone wonderfully unique. The most important thing is how we respond to our struggles with the support of those around us. Overcoming obstacles only makes us stronger.

Surround yourself with others that bring positivity to your life. It is ok to open up. Always remember that “you are not alone.” BE KIND.

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